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  • minyeongkim

Final Reflection 2019

Hello, my blog readers! It’s finally the last blog.

Time really flies. It's already the fifth month of 2019. I can clearly remember when we shared our proposals in class. I feel a complex feelings about the 20% time project as it nearly comes to the end. Today, I’m going to sum up the overall thoughts on my project. Objective factors like proposal, progress, failures & successes are going to be on the final presentation.

To briefly describe what I feel about the project, I think it was a very fruitful and inspiring time. I can say this because I learned a lot throughout the meetings I had with my mentee, both academically and generally.

First, I think I actually improved in interpreting some terms or equations by keep explaining and teaching Minji. Learning - by - teaching effect actually exists, and it's very effective. Memories stay longer in my head when I verbally demonstrate to the other than when I just study by myself.

Additionally, I also learned a lot of things about life and people in general from sharing stories with Minji. As I've mentioned in my very first blog, I also wanted to share something about life, concerns, or anything besides educational stuff. I learned how people think differently about the same topic. Now, I can listen to others' voice, opinion, better than before.

Although I found a lot of improvements from myself, I still have many regrets.

Regrets can work either positively or negatively on people's future. I know that I'll regret about exactly the same thing again in the future, or perhaps forever, since I've been somehow regretting every moment in my life, but I believe that they will pile up and build me up eventually.

*Thank you for those who have been reading blog for last few months! I'll share more about my project through the final presentation, so please expect a lot!!


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